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Public Research Seminars of Professor Dao-Zhi Zeng

The international research seminar "Advances in New Economic Geography" held 3 public research seminars with visiting researcher Dao-Zhi Zeng, a Professor of Tohoku University - Graduate School of Information Sciences, Japan

Center Research Seminars. Speakers: Ph. Ushchev and I. Sloev

On May 22, 2012 HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics held research seminars.

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: S.Kokovin

MSSE help a Research Seminar on "International trade in 1-factor 1-sector monopolistic competition model", speaker: S.Kokovin

Center Referative Seminar: report of V. Ivanova, Ph. Ushchev, D. Pokrovsky, S. Kichko

On May 10-11, 2012 Center Referative Seminar on S. Anderson, N. Erkal and D. Piccinin "Aggregative Games with Entry". Presentations were made by: guest of MSSE Vera Ivanova, Senior Research Fellow Philip Ushchev, Research Fellows Dmitry Pokrovsky and Sergey Kichko.

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: Research Fellow Sergey Kichko

A report on «Two-factor trade model with monopolistic competition» by Research Fellow of the TMSE Sergey Kichko.

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: Research Fellow Dmitry Pokrovsky

A report on «Market Size, Productivity and Entrepreneurship in a Model a'la Melitz» by Research Fellow of the TMSE D. Pokrovsky.

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: Ph.D. Ph.Uschev

On May 5, 2012 made a presentation on «How does the market size affect the product line scope? The case of a closed economy», Senior Research Fellow of the TMSE Uschev Philipp.

Where to build football stadiums? Game-theoretic analysis of the spatial distribution of the problem

The 6th Public Research Seminar of the Center MSSE on the theme "Where to build football stadiums? Game-theoretic analysis of the spatial distribution of the problem" by Associate Researcher of the MSSE A. Savvateev, Professor, New Economic School (Moscow)

IX International scientific conference on problems of economic development in the modern world"Sustainable Development of the Russian regions: the economy and political processes, a new model of spatial development of the Russian Federation"

On April 20-21, 2012 in Yekaterinburg, the International conference "Sustainable Development of the Russian regions". The MSSE organized section A4 "Spatial Economics"

The nature of cities: a view of economist

Senior Research Fellow of the HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics, Doctor of Economics (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Associate Professor of the New Economic School Tatiana Mikhailova delivered a lecture, "The nature of cities: a view of economist".