Online RA-seminar (Nov 27)
On Friday, November 27, research assistants Maria Paramei (Academic Supervisor - Viacheslav Yakubenko) and Mikhail Oshmakashvili (Academic Supervisor - Sergey G. Kokovin) will present their papers at our online research seminar.
Leading research fellow Hans Koster has been promoted to Full Professor of Urban Economics and Real Estate at the Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
We are happy to inform that our leading research fellow Hans Koster has been promoted to Full Professor of Urban Economics and Real Estate at the Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Congratulations, Hans!
Paper by CMSSE leading research fellow Philip Ushchev accepted for publication to the Journal of Economic Geography.
Paper by CMSSE leading research fellow Philip Ushchev "Specialization vs Competition: An Anatomy of Increasing Returns to Scale" (joint with Alberto Bucci) accepted for publication to the Journal of Economic Geography.
RA-seminar (Zoom)
On Friday our research assistants are presenting their thesis results online, via Zoom.
Those who want to join the seminar can send a request to (preferably from
Date & time: Jun 5, 2020; 16:20-18:25, Moscow time.
Giuseppe Arbia's talk at the St. Petersburg Economic Seminar(online)
On May 21 at 18:00 Giuseppe Arbia (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) will present the report “On spatial regression models estimated using crowdsourcing, web-scraping or other unconventionally collected Big Data”. The seminar will be held via Zoom. To get access, please send a request to (please indicate your name and occupation).
Paper by CMSSE leading research fellows Kristian Behrens and Yasusada Murata accepted for publication to the The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Our colleagues' Kristian Behrens' and Yasusada Murata's paper "Quantifying the gap between equilibrium and optimum under monopolistic competition" (joint with G. Mion and J. Suedekum) has been accepted to The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Congratulations!
International events in the light of the ongoing developments in the spread of Covid-19
On March 7, HSE University instituted a number of protective measures in order to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19. Due to this, the Second International Workshop “Market Studies and Spatial Economics” has been cancelled. The 9th International conference 'Industrial Organization and Spatial Economics' is postponed until the Fall (more information will be available later).
Call for papers: The 9th International conference 'Industrial Organization and Spatial Economics'
The Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics invites you to participate in the 9th International conference 'Industrial Organization and Spatial Economics'.
Submission deadline: February 15, 2020
Our colleagues are in Top-10 RePEc ranking!
The Higher School of Economics holds a leading position among all the Russian universities and research units in the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) rating based on the citation index of economists from almost eight thousand universities all over the world. The second top position is shared by our Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics, NES, the St. Petersburg HSE campus, and the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Moscow HSE. Our colleagues Jacques-Francois Thisse, Sergey Kokovin and Philip Ushchev are among the top 10 researchers-economists affiliated with Russian universities.
We owe most cordial congratulations to our colleagues and wish them further successful publications in leading international journals!
Research Assistants of our Center are the "Golden HSE" laureates
We are happy to congratulate our Center's research assistants, Daria Tabashnikova (4th-year student of the bachelor's programme in ‘Economics’, HSE) and Nikolay Telyatnikov (4th-year student of the bachelor's programme in ‘Economics’, HSE - St Petersburg) on becoming the laureates of the main annual university award Golden HSE 2019