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Paper by CMSSE leading scientist accepted for publication at the Journal of Economic Literature

The paper "What Can Be Learned from Spatial Economics" by CMSSE chief research fellow Jacques-Francois Thisse (co-authoured with Stef Proost, KU Leuven) has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Economic Literature.

Paper by CMSSE fellow accepted for publication at European Economic Review

The paper "Trade in Tasks and the Organization of Firms" by CMSSE leading research fellow Alexander Tarasov, co-authored with Dalia Marin (University of Munich) and Jan Schymik (University of Munich), has been accepted for publication at the European Economic Review.

CMSSE research assistant accepted to the University of Pennsylvania

Research Assistant of CMSSE Kharis Sokolov has been accepted to the PhD in Economics program at the University of Pennsylvania.

Paper by CMSSE academic advisor accepted at "Regional Science and Urban Economics"

The paper "Industry location and wages: The role of market size and accessibility in trading networks" by the Academic advisor of CMSSE Kristian Behrens, co-authored with Javier Barbero and José Zofio, has been accepted for publication at the "Regional Science and Urban Economics" journal.

Open postdoc position at CMSSE

Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics invites young Russian researchers with a PhD (or a candidate of sciences degree) to apply for the position of Research Fellow. 

Applications are accepted until May 15th, 2018.

Paper by CMSSE fellow accepted for publication at the Journal of Public Economics

The paper by CMSSE leading research fellow Hans Koster "Empty homes, longer commutes: The unintended consequences of morerestrictive local planning", co-authored with Paul Cheshire and Christian A.L. Hilber has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Public Economics.

Paper by CMSSE fellows accepted for publication at the Scandinavian Journal of Economics

The paper "Product Differentiation, Competitive Toughness, and Intertemporal Substitution" by CMSSE research fellow Vera Ivanova and leading reasearch fellow Philip Ushchev has been accepted for publication at the Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Paper by CMSSE Academic Advisor accepted for publication at Review of Economic and Statistics

The paper “The World in not yet Flat: Transport costs matter!” by the academic advisor of CMSSE Kristian Behrens co-authored with W. Mark Brown и Théophile Bougna is forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics.

СMSSE invites applicants for postdoctoral positions

Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics invites young economists with a PhD and PhD students expecting to graduate in the 2017/2018 academic year to apply for postdoctoral positions.

Application deadline is February 15th, 2018.

MSSE academic advisor gets an award in Quebeck

MSSE academic advisor Kristian Behrens received the prize for ‘Research and Creation’ from the University of Quebec network.