Summer school participation by CMSSE researchers
On July 3rd - July 7th, 2017 MSSE research assistant Sergey Onenko completed a summer course titled “Research on Productivity, Trade, and Growth: Theory and Practice” organized by Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam.
On June 26th - June 30th, 2017 MSSE research assistant Shamil Sharapudinov completed a summer course on Trade organized by Paris School of Economics.
On August 6th - August 10th, 2016 member of the Center Marina Sandomirskaia completed the course of the 4th Summer School of the Econometric Society organized at the University of Tokyo.
On June 27rd - July 6th, 2016 research assistant of the Center Maxim Goryunov completed a course titled "Theory of Networks" at the Summer school of Economic theory organized by the Applied Research Institute at Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel).On June 15th - June 17th, 2016 member of the Center Marina Sandomirskaia completed a course in Urban economics at the Summer school organized jointly by the Institute of Economics Barcelona (IEB) and Urban Economic Association (UEA).
On May 25th - May 29th, 2015 members of the Center Sergey Kichko, Dmitry Pokrovsky, Marina Sandomirskaya and Philip Ushchev completed a course on Market power at the Catholic University of Louvain summer school.
On September 4th - September 10th, 2014 the Center's research assistants Pavel Molchanov and Natalya Trushina completed the course of the Padova University Summer school and workshop on International Trade in Brixen, Italy.
On June 23rd - July 2nd, 2014 members of the Center Ekaterina Aleksandrova, Kristian Behrens, Dmitry Pokrovsky and Vera Sharunova took a course titled "Matching and Market Design" organized by the Applied Research Institute at Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel).
On May 30th - June 1st, 2014 research fellows of the Center Sergey Kichko and Phillip Ushchev participated in the “Early Summer Tutorial In Modern Applied Tools of Econometrics (ESTIMATE)” at Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan).
On May 19th - May 30th, 2014 members of the Center Ekaterina Aleksandrova and Maria Kuznetsova participated in the Institute of Spatial Econometrics Summer School at the University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy.
On September 15th - September 24th, 2013 four members of the Center (Maxim Goryunov, Sergey Kichko, Maria Nastych, Dmitry Pokrovsky) completed the course of the Padova University Summer school and workshop on International Trade in Brixen, Italy.
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