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"Advances in market theory and international trade".Presentation by V.Ivanova "Convergence and spatial interactions: evidence from Russian regions".

On September 24, 2012 had continued a series of international research seminars "Advances in market theory and international trade" with a report of Vera Ivanova (The HSE Center MSSE) «Convergence and spatial interactions: evidence from Russian regions».

"Advances in market theory and international trade".Presentation by M. Parenti (CORE, Université Сatholique de Louvain) «International trade: David and Goliath».

On September 12, 2012 had continued a series of international research seminars "Advances in market theory and international trade" with a report of M. Parenti (CORE, Université Сatholique de Louvain) «International trade: David and Goliath».

"Advances in market theory and international trade".Presentation by Ph.Ushchev "The role of market size under monopolistic competition of multi-product firms: scale-scope economies versus elasticity of substitution".

On September 11, 2012 had continued a series of international research seminars "Advances in market theory and international trade" with a report of Ph.Ushchev (The HSE Center MSSE) «The role of market size under monopolistic competition of multi-product firms: scale-scope economies versus elasticity of substitution».

"Advances in market theory and international trade".Presentation by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira "Oligopolistic competition with varying competitive aggressiveness".

On September 11, 2012 had continued a series of international research seminars "Advances in market theory and international trade" with a report of Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira "Oligopolistic competition with free entry".

"Advances in market theory and international trade".Presentation by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira "Oligopolistic competition with varying competitive aggressiveness".

On September 10, 2012 opened a series of international research seminars "Advances in market theory and international trade" with a report of Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira "Oligopolistic competition with varying competitive aggressiveness".

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: Maxim Goryunov

HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics held a regular research seminar on the topic: "Evolution of the system of cities under globalization". Speaker: Ph.D. student Maxim Goryunov (CERGE-EI, Prague)

Center Research Seminar. Speakers: A. Iskakov and M. Iskakov

HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics held a regular research seminar on the topic: "Equilibrium in Secure Strategies in the Hotelling's Game"

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: Igor Bykadorov

On May 29-30, 2012 HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics held a regular research seminar on the topic: "Investments in productivity under monopolistic competition". Speaker: Igor Bykadorov

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: V. Ivanova

HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics held a regular research seminar on the topic: "Growth of Russian regions: a spatial econometrics approach"

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: Natalia Volchkova

HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics held a regular research seminar on the topic: "Costs of exporting: evidence from Russia". The report made Natalia Volchkova