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‘Over 20% are Presentations by International Researchers’

The Preliminary programme of the XIII International Aca­demic Conference on Economic and Social Development which will take place on April 3 – 5, 2012, has been published on the HSE website. Andrey Yakovlev, Vice Rector of the HSE, told us more about the programme.

Center Referative Seminar: report of a HSE student Barbara Andreeva

February 6, made a presentation on "Determinants of interregional mobility in Russia (under S. Guriev, Y. Andrienko, 2004)," a student HSE Barbara Andreeva

Center Referative Seminar. Speaker: Assistant Researcher A. Skolkova

02 февраля с докладом на тему «Гравитационная модель, потенциал рынка и экономическое развитие (по статье K. Head, T. Mayer (2010)» выступила стажёр-исследователь лаборатории А.С. Сколкова

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: Ph.D. Ph.Uschev

February 3, made a presentation on «How does the market size affect the product line scope? The case of a closed economy», Senior Research Fellow of the TMSE Uschev Philipp.

Jacques-Francois Thisse: ‘You Need To Be Close In Order To Act Promptly’

On October 3rd Jacques-Francois Thisse, Professor of Economics and Regional Science at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) gave a press conference at the Higher School of Economics.