Center Referative Seminar. Speaker: Assistant Researcher A. Skolkova
02 февраля с докладом на тему «Гравитационная модель, потенциал рынка и экономическое развитие (по статье K. Head, T. Mayer (2010)» выступила стажёр-исследователь лаборатории А.С. Сколкова
A.Skolkova |
February 2, a report on «Gravity, Market Potential, and Economic Development (K. Head, T. Mayer (2010)» by Research Assistant A. Skolkova.
Presentation was connected with the paper of K.Head, T.Mayer (2010), that provided evidence on the long-term impact of market potential on economic development. Authors evaluated this market potential for all countries in the world with available trade data over the 1960-2003 period and related it to income per capita. Overall results showed that access to markets had essential effect on income per capita within the country, so they reconciled with the previous research in this field (Redding and Venables, 2004; Hering and Poncet, 2010).
Address of the seminar: Room 216, b.3, 10th Line VO.
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