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Tag "spatial economics"

The nature of cities: a view of economist

Senior Research Fellow of the HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics, Doctor of Economics (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Associate Professor of the New Economic School Tatiana Mikhailova delivered a lecture, "The nature of cities: a view of economist".

International conference on "Endogenous market structures and spatial economics"

On April 6-7, 2012 was the International conference on "Endogenous market structures and spatial economics" of the HSE Center for Market Structure and Spatial Economics as part of the XIII HSE International Aca­demic Conference on Economic and Social Development

Center Research Seminar. Speaker: V. Ivanova

30 March, HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics conducts regular research seminar on the topic: "Spatial interaction Russian regions as a factor in their economic growth: an empirical analysis"