Public research seminar. A report by Philip Ushchev and Igor Sloev
On June 11, 2013, CMSSE was held the public research seminar. Report on the theme "Do we go shopping downtown or in the `burbs? Why not both?" by Senior Researcher Philip Ushchev and Senior Researcher Igor Sloev (CMSSE).
Ф.Ущев |
И.Слоев |
On June 11, 2013, 12:00.
Public research seminar.
Senior Researcher Philip Ushchev and Senior Researcher Igor Sloev (CMSSE). "Do we go shopping downtown or in the `burbs? Why not both?"
We combine spatial and monopolistic competition to study market interactions between downtown retailers and an outlying shopping mall. Consumers shop at either marketplace or at both, and buy each variety in volume. The market solution stems from the interplay between the market expansion effect generated by the overlapping of market areas and the competition effect. Firms' profits increase (decrease) with the entry of local competitors when the former (latter) dominates. Downtown retailers swiftly vanish when the mall is large. A predatory but efficient mall need not be regulated, whereas the regulator must restrict the size of an accommodating mall.
More: International research seminar «The boundaries of a monopolistic competition approach»...
The address of the seminar: Conference-hall (3rd floor), b. 47, pr. Rimskogo-Korsakova, Saint Petersburg.
Working language – English.