Urbanization and economic development in the regions of Russia
A report on the city workshop by Senior Research Fellow of the MSSE Evgeniya Kolomak
E.Kolomak |
March 21, 2012 at the City Seminar on Economic-mathematical methods and models on the theme "Urbanization and economic development in the regions of Russia" has acted Senior Research Fellow of the MSSE, Dr.of Sci., Professor Evgeniya Kolomak.
Discussed topics of the report: sources and limits the development of urbanization, global trends and highlights features of Russia. Сonduct an empirical analysis of the relationship of economic growth and urbanization Based on data for the subjects of the Russian Federation. The results of evaluations have shown that the Russian economy has not exhausted the resources of urbanization.
The seminar was held in St. Petersburg Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS at b.1, Chaykovskogo st.
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