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Center Research Seminar. Speaker: V. Ivanova

30 March, HSE Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics conducts regular research seminar on the topic: "Spatial interaction Russian regions as a factor in their economic growth: an empirical analysis"

V. Ivanova

30 March. A report on «Spatial interaction of Russian regions as a factor of their economic growth: an empirical analysis» by guest of the Center V. Ivanova.

We study the impact of spatial determinants on economic growth in Russia. The research is conducted on the basis of region-level data. We find that the key spatial factors of regional economic growth are the size of a region and the average city size within a region. We also show that these effects are cought only after pointing out some outliers which enjoy free access to specific resources non-available for the others.

Address of the seminar: Room 205, 3, 10th Line VO.

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Photos of the seminar: