First MSSE Summer School
Regular time schedule:
– Breakfast: 0800–0900
– Coffee breaks: 1030–1100 and 1530–1600
– Lunch: 1300–1400
– Dinner: 1900–2000
July 15 (Sunday)
1830 (approx.) – Arriving to Nizhny Novgorod
1900–2000 – DINNER
July 16 (Monday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Guest Lecture:
Alexander Lozhkin New model of Town development (Russia case)
1400–1530 – Lecture
Valery Verbus(HSE) Facts and theories: spatial inequalities and space in economic thought
1600–1730 – Lecture
Natalia Aizenberg(ESI SB RAS) Starret’s Theorem about Spatial Impossibility
July 17 (Tuesday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Lecture
Philipp Uschev(HSE CMSSE) Monopolistic competition, Dixit-Stiglitz model
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Lecture
Sergey Kichko(HSE CMSSE) Core-Periphery model: Dixit-Stiglitz-Krugman approach
July 18 (Wednesday)
0900–1030 – Lecture
Vladimir Pyrlik(HSE) Gravity model and applications
1100–1230 – Lecture
Vera Ivanova(CHSU)Empirical Studies of Agglomeration
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Papers discussions
Balash Vladimir: Burchfield O., Puga T. Causes of Sprawl: A Portrait From Space
Vasilyeva Olga, Zhuk Nadezhda: Briant A., Combes P.-P., Lafourcade M. Dots to boxes: Do the size and shape of geographical units jeopardize economic geography estimations?
Bykadorov Igor: Yu Z. Trade, Market Size, and Industrial Structure: Revisiting the Home Market Effect
Osharin Aleksandr: Behrens K., Lamorgese A., Ottaviano G. I. P., Tabuchi T. Testing the Home Market Effect in a Multi-Country World: The Theory
July 19 (Thursday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Lecture
Alexander Sidorov(SIM SB RAS) «Monocentric City model»
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Papers discussions
Philipenkov Alexsey, Potanin Michael: Maurel F., Sédillot D. A measure of the geographic concentration in French manufacturing industries
Trubekhina Irina: Bossuyt A., Broze L., Ginsburgh V. On Invisible Trade Relations between Mesopotamian Cities during the Third Millennium B.C.
Rastvortseva Svetlana: Melitz M. J., and Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano. Market size, trade, and productivity
Martemyanov Yury: Ottaviano G.I.P., Tabuchi T., Thisse J.-F. Agglomeration and trade revisited
July 20 (Friday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Lecture
Dmitry Pokrovsky (HSE CMSSE) City Formation
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Papers discussions
Silaev Andrey: Forslid R., Ottaviano G. I. P. An Analytically Solvable Core-Periphery Model
Popov Vladimir: Davis D. R., Weinstein D. E. Bones, Bombs, and Break Points: The Geography of Economic Activity
Kuga Yakov: Redding S., Sturm D., 2008. The Cost of Remoteness: Evidence from German Division and Reunification
Artukh Khristina: Redding S., Sturm D., Wolf N. History and Industrial Location: Evidence from German Airports
July 21 (Saturday)
0900–1030 – Faculty Lecture:
Daniil Musatov (NES) Modeling of Social Networks
1100–1230 – Research presentation
Igor Sloev(HSE) Equilibrium market structure and product variety in successive oligopoly
Alexander Shapoval TBA
1400–1530 – Papers discussions
Artukhova Helen: Crozet M. Do migrants follow market potentials? An estimation of a new economic geography model
Sloev Igor: Murata Y., Thisse J.-F. A simple model of economic geography à la Helpman-Tabuchi
July 22 (Sunday)
1000–1900 – Excursion program
July 23 (Monday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Faculty Lecture:
Natalia Volchkova (NES, CEFIR) Heterogeneous firms in international trade: theory and empirics
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Research presentation
Olga Vasilyeva (Amur State University) Does political competition matter for public goods provision? Evidence from Russian regions
Konstantin Grasmik (Omsk State University) Influence of foreign direct investment on the economy of Russian regions
Irina Trubekhina (Institute of EIE SB RAS) Social capital and economic development in Russian regions
Anna Mishura (NSU) Price level, market size and remoteness: an empirical analysis
July 24 (Tuesday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Guest Lecture:
Michael Alekseev(Indiana University) Relationship between product market competition and corruption
1100–1230 – Faculty Lecture:
Michael Alekseev (Indiana University) Effect of the natural resource abundance on economic growth and institutions
1400–1530 – Faculty Lecture:
Shlomo Weber (Southern Methodist University, NES), Political economy of regional instability
1600–1730 – Research presentation
Natalia Aizenberg (ESI SB RAS) The influence of Import Tariffs on economic activity: Monopolistic Competition Model
Alexander Osharin (HSE) Consumers’ preferences, number of firm dynamics and the factor shares evolution
July 25 (Wednesday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Faculty Lecture:
Valdimir Vakhitov (KSE) Empirical Estimates of External Agglomeration Effects
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Papers discussions
Kuznetsova Karine: Cavailhès J., Gaigné C., Tabuchi T., Thisse J.-F. Trade and the structure of cities
Grasmik Konstantin: Glaeser E.L. Reinventing Boston: 1640-2003
Balash Olga: Gabaix, X. Zipf's Law of Growth of Cities. Gabaix, X. Zipf's Law for Cities: An Explanation
Andreev Vsevolod: Eeckhout J. Gibrat's law for (all) cities
July 26 (Thursday)
0900–1030 – Faculty Lecture:
Natalia Turdyeva (CEFIR) Computable General Equilibrium Models and regional policy
1100–1230 – Faculty Lecture:
Natalia Turdyeva (CEFIR) Regional effects of Russia's WTO Accession
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Research presentation
Vera Ivanova (CHSU) Spatial interaction of Russian regions as a factor of their economic growth: an empirical analysis
Alexander Sidorov (S.L.Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS SB RAS) Endogenous polycentricity of non-linear cties
Helen Artukhova Gender Discrimination in a Dynamic Search Mode
Zhuk Nadezhda Factor of cross-border cooperation in territorial
July 27 (Friday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Faculty Lecture:
Alexei Savvateev (NES) Coalliational and Migrational Stability in Group Formation Models
1400–1530 and 1600–1730 – Research presentation
Dmitry Pokrovsky (HSE CMSSE) Market Size, Productivity, Entrepreneurship and Income Inequality in a model a’la Melitz
Sergey Kichko (HSE CMSSE) Two-factor trade model with monopolistic competition
Igor Bykadorov (S.L.Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) Investments in productivity under monopolistic competition
Svetlana Rastvortseva (Belgorod State University) Determination of a tension between centripetal and centrifugal forces in agglomeration. Bifurcations
July 28 (Saturday)
0900–1030 and 1100–1230 – Research presentation
Philipp Uschev (HSE CMSSE) Monopolistic competition with multi-product firms: scale-scope spillovers and cannibalization
Vsevolod Andreev (CHSU) The predictability of the socio-economic systems dynamics on the base of mathematical modeling
Andrey Velichko(Far Easten State University) International transport development in Asia-Pacific region
July 29 (Sunday)
0800–1000 – Breakfast
1000 (approx.) – leaving from Nizhny Novgorod
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