First Summer School "Imperfect Markets, New Economic Geography and Spatial Economics"
On July 16-28, 2012 in Nizhny Novgorod held the First Summer School "Imperfect Markets, New Economic Geography and Spatial Economics", organized by MSSE.
The Summer School agenda was:
- Space in the Imperfect Market Theory and Trade;
- Urban Economics;
- Regional Economic Development;
- Migration;
- Economic Growth and Income Inequality.
The main goal of Summer School was to familiarize participants with modern research in these fields and give an opportunity to participate in research projects of MSSE.
The participants had an opportunity to present and discuss their research with experts.
The Summer school speakers were: Shlomo Weber (Southern Methodist University, NES); Michael Alexeev (Indiana University); Natalia Volchkova (CEFIR, NES); Natalia Turdyeva (NES); Tatiana Michailova (MSSE, NES); Alexei Savvateev (NES); Volodimir Vakhitov (KEI); Evgeniy Zhelobodko (MSSE, NSU); Sergey Kokovin (MSSE, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science); Evgeniya Kolomak (MSSE, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS); Sergey Afontsev (Institute of World Economy and International Relations of Russian Academy of Science).
View the detailed description and a program of the school...
Discussion Papers
1. Behrens K., Lamorgese A., Ottaviano G. I. P., Tabuchi T. (2004) Testing the Home Market Effect in a Multi-Country World: The Theory. CEPR Discussion Paper, No. 4468.2. Bossuyt A., Broze L., Ginsburgh V. On Invisible Trade Relations between Mesopotamian Cities during the Third Millennium B.C, The Professional Geographer Volume 53, Issue 3, 2001
3. Briant A., Combes P.-P., Lafourcade M., Dots to boxes: Do the size and shape of geographical units jeopardize economic geography estimations?, Journal of Urban Economics, 67, 287–302 (2010)
4. Burchfield, Overman, Puga, Turner. "Causes of Sprawl: A Portrait From Space." Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2006
5. Cavailhès J., Gaigné C., Tabuchi T., Thisse J.-F. (2007) Trade and the structure of cities, Journal of Urban Economics, 62(3): 383–404.
6. Crozet M., Do migrants follow market potentials? An estimation of a new economic geography model. J Econ Geogr (2004) 4 (4): 439-458.
7. Davis D. R., Weinstein D. E. (2002) Bones, Bombs, and Break Points: The Geography of Economic Activity. American Economic Review, 92 (5): 1269-89.
8. Eeckhout J. (2004) Gibrat's law for (all) cities. American Economic Review, 94(5): 1429–51.
9. Forslid R., Ottaviano G. I. P. (2003) An Analytically Solvable Core-Periphery Model. Journal of Economic Geography, 3 (3): 229-40.
10. Gabaix, X. (1999) "Zipf's Law of Growth of Cities." Papers and Proceedings of American Economic Review May 129-132.
11. Glaeser E.L., “Reinventing Boston: 1640-2003,” Journal of Economic Geography 5(2). (2005): 119-153
12. Maurel F., Sédillot D. (1999) A measure of the geographic concentration in French manufacturing industries, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 29(5): 575–604.
13. Melitz M. J., and Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano. 2008. Market size, trade, and productivity. Review of Economic Studies 75, no. 1: 295-316.
14. Murata Y., Thisse J.-F. (2005) A simple model of economic geography à la Helpman-Tabuchi, Journal of Urban Economics, 58(1): 137–55.
15. Ottaviano G.I.P., Tabuchi T., Thisse J.-F. (2002) Agglomeration and trade revisited. International Economic Review, 43: 409-36.
16. R. E. J. Lucas. Externalities and cities. Review of Economic Dynamics 4, 245—274 (2001).
17. Redding S., Sturm D. (2008) The Cost of Remoteness: Evidence from German Division and Reunification. The American Economic Review, 98 (5): 1766-97.
18. Redding S., Sturm D.б Wolf N., History and Industrial Location: Evidence from German Airports, Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(3), 814-831, 2011.
19. Rossi-Hansberg E., Optimal urban land use and zoning. Review of Economic Dynamics 7(1), 69—106 (2004).
20. Yu (2005),Trade, Market Size, and Industrial Structure: Revisiting the Home Market Effect. Canadian Journal of Economics, 38: 255-72.
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