International conference on "Endogenous market structures and spatial economics"
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On April 6-7, 2012. Moscow, Russia.
On April 6-7, 2012 was the International conference on "Endogenous market structures and spatial economics" of the HSE Center for Market Structure and Spatial Economics as part of the XIII HSE International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.
The conference, organized by the HSE Center for Market Structure and Spatial Economics, which was reporting for the first 6 months of work of the MSSE amd visiting researchers, were presented theoretical and empirical researches on market structure and spatial economics. Among the speakers is particularly noteworthy Sergey Sergey Kokovin and Evgeny Zhelobodko whose work «Monopolistic Competition: Beyond the CES» (co-authored with Matthew Parenti, and Academic Advisor of the Center MSSE Jacques-François Thisse), accepted for publication in the journal «Econometrica» (one of the top five international journals in economics).
Affiliated MSSE Researcher Alexander Sidorov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) spoke about the two-dimensional model of the endogenous structure of the city, taking into account the possibility of trade between the cities. In this paper he reveales the mechanism of several inner-city business districts and found the conditions of mono / polycentricity of the city.
Affiliated MSSE Researcher Igor Bykadorov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) reported results of a study model of monopolistic competition with endogenous choice of technology. The results presented here relate to what are the implications of firms choosing investment in increasing productivity and product quality in terms of international trade.
Guestof the conference, Igor Sloev reported on a consistent model of oligopoly that endogenize market structure and product diversity.
MSSE Senior Research Fellow Evgenia Kolomak presented their findings on the spatial externalities and their impact on economic growth in Russian regions. The main result of this study is in identify the positive effect of urbanization and communication with economic growth in Russia.
Natalia Ayzenberg (Irkutsk State University) reported the first results of studies on the effect the introduction of tariffs in a model of international trade a'la Krugman with variable elasticity of substitution. The report shows the principal possibility of a situation where both countries are benefiting with the introduction of tariffs.
Alexander Shepotylo (Kyiv School of Economics) presented a paper "Trade Liberalization, Agglomeration and Inequality", showing the impact of trade liberalization in the services sector in the total factor productivity.
MSSE Director Vladimir Matveenko talked about the structure of equilibria in the endogenous growth model with horizontal innovation. In particular, he proved the robustness of the conclusions derived from this model to the specification of the production function.
The Report of MSSE Senior Research Fellow Philip Ushchev was devoted to a study model of monopolistic competition with variable elasticity of substitution and the endogenous choice of product line. In particular, he studied the effect of externalities on the scale size and the number of firms, as well as the diversity of products produced by one firm.
MSSE Research Fellow Sergey Kichko reported on short-term equilibrium in the two-factor model of international trade with variable elasticity of substitution. He investigated the conditions of dumping and antidumping depending on the distribution of production factors between countries.
MSSE Research Fellow Dmitry Pokrovsky did report "Market size, productivity and entrepreneurial effect in the model a'la Melitz" about endogenous entrepreneurship in a model with heterogeneous firms.
An important part of the conference included roundtable discussions, which are, firstly, planned joint research among the participants, studying similar economic problems and use different approaches, and, secondly, continued planned in February MSSE Symposium topics of joint research on the theory of spatial economics, empirical estimation of parameters of the market and the equilibrium effects, and computer (computable) models of the market. To do this, participants were invited from a number of sections of the April conference, including sections of markets, regional and urban economics. Theorists and empiricists discussed the possibility of empirical verification of theoretical studies and theoretical study of their empirical research. In the joint discussion of the reports , some models had new interpretations. So, Olga Vasilieva from the Amur University, that do practical research, interested in explaining changes in the preferences of agents, which she observes in the researches, by theoretical models developed by the Center MSSE.
As a result of the conference was expanded the circle of researchers, who are familiar with the results of work of the MSSE, and hopefully that will expand the circle those who participate in its research program.
Prepared by Philip Ushchev and Yury Martemyanov.
The Reports Presentation:
E.Zhelobodko, S.Kokovin, A.Sidorov: "Олигополия или монополистическая конкуренция: равновесия Курно и Бертрана в "большой экономике"
A.Sidorov: "Endogenous Structure of Cities: City without External Trade"
I.Sloev: "Equilibrium Market Structure and Product Variety in Successive Oligopolies"
D.Pokrovsky, E.Zhelobodko, S.Kokovin: "Market Size, Productivity and Entrepreneurship in a Model a'la Melitz"
E.Kolomak: "Urbanization and Economic Development in Russia"
S. Kichko, S. Kokovin, E. Zhelobodko: "Two-factor trade model with monopolistic competition"
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