Публичный научный семинар лаборатории. Доклад Натальи Шестаковой
10 июня 2013 г. состоялся публичный научный семинар лаборатории ТРПЭ. С докладом на тему "Enhancing Competition in Regional Markets by Reducing Firms' Heterogeneity in Costs" выступила Наталья Шестакова (Research Fellow at Laboratory for International and Regional Economics, GSEM, Ural Federal University; Assistant Professor at Department of Economics, University of Vienna).
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10 июня 2013 г.
Публичный научный семинар.
Наталья Шестакова (Research Fellow at Laboratory for International and Regional Economics, GSEM, Ural Federal University; Assistant Professor at Department of Economics, University of Vienna). "Enhancing Competition in Regional Markets by Reducing Firms' Heterogeneity in Costs".
We use a lab experiment to study whether a specific government regulation can promote competition in regional markets. The question is motivated with an empirical observation that local monopolies are widespread, i.e. firms successfully coordinate on which markets to enter. We hypothesize that firms' heterogeneity in costs serve as a coordination design in the underlying entry game. If this is the case, then reducing such a heterogeneity would lead to more competition. A lab experiment is explicitly designed to test this.
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Семинар проводился по адресу: Санкт-Петербург, пр.Римского-Корсакова, д.47, конференц-зал (3 этаж).
Рабочий язык – английский.