Международный научный семинар "Общее равновесие и оптимальность в теории монополистической конкуренции". Выступление Свати Дхингры.
27 декабря 2012 года состоялся публичный научный семинар лаборатории ТРПЭ. С докладом на тему "Trading Away Wide Brands for Cheap Brands" выступила Свати Дхингра (London School of Economics).
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27 декабря 2012г., 12:00-14:00.
Публичный научный семинар.
Swati Dhingra (London School of Economics). "Trading Away Wide Brands for Cheap Brands".
Firms face competing needs to expand product variety and reduce production costs. Access to larger markets enables innovation to reduce costs. Although firm scale increases, foreign competition reduces markups. Firms' ability to recapture lost markups depends on the interplay between within-firm competition and across-firm competition. Narrowing product variety eases within-firm competition but lowers market share. I provide a theory detailing the impact of trade policy on product and process innovation. Unbundling innovation provides new insights into welfare gains and innovation policy. Product innovation increases welfare beyond standard gains from trade. The relative returns to innovation policy change with trade liberalization.
Скачать презентацию:
Swati Dhingra. "Trading Away Wide Brands for Cheap Brands"
Адрес проведения семинара: Санкт-Петербург, пр.Римского-Корсакова, д.47, ауд. 23 (3 этаж).
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