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Научный семинар лаборатории. Докладчик: Наталья Волчкова

Лаборатория теории рынков и пространственной экономики провела научный семинар на тему: "Costs of exporting: evidence from Russia". С докладом выступила Наталья Волчкова

Н. Волчкова

С докладом “Costs of exporting: evidence from Russia” выступит Наталья Волчкова (ЦЭФИР, РЭШ).

The paper presents the stylized facts of export firms’ heterogeneity in Russia and provides quantitative estimations for the ratio of fixed costs of production to fixed costs of exporting. Both stylized facts and direct costs estimations confirm the high fixed costs of exporting for Russian firms. The costs were found to be higher today in Russia than in Chile in 1990-1996 and comparable to the one estimated for Colombia over the period 1981-1986.

Семинар проводился по адресу: 10-я линия В.О., д.3, ауд.205.