Григорий Косенок (Российская экономическая школа)
Публичный научный семинар
"Charter School Entry and School Choice: The Case of Washington, D.C." ("Поступление в чартерную школу и выбор школы")
Место проведения: Санкт-Петербург, проспект Римского-Корсакова, д. 47, к. 301
Рабочий язык: английский
Публичный научный семинар
"Charter School Entry and School Choice: The Case of Washington, D.C." ("Поступление в чартерную школу и выбор школы")
Место проведения: Санкт-Петербург, проспект Римского-Корсакова, д. 47, к. 301
Рабочий язык: английский
We develop and estimate a structural equilibrium model of charter school entry and competition. In the model, households choose among charter, public and private schools. We model the entry, exit and relocation of charters as well as the behavior of the regulatory agency that authorizes charter entry and continued operations. The regulator makes decisions based on charters’expected equilibrium demand. We estimate the model using school-level panel data for Washington, D.C. According to our estimates, household preferences over school characteristics are quite heterogeneous by race and poverty status. In addition, charter school quality surpasses that of public schools in the most disadvantaged areas of D.C. and at the middle and high school grade levels. At the same time, our estimates show that charters face higher …xed costs precisely when operating in those areas or serving those grade levels. We use our parameter estimates to investigate the potential effects of changes in the institutional and demographic environment on charter entry, student sorting across schools, and the distribution of student achievement.
Статья написана в соавторстве с Марией Мартой Феррейра (Университет Карнеги-Меллон)