The Workshop is an associated event* within the XXI April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development that will take place on 7-8 April 2020.
Paper submission is available until 25 December 2019; the results will be ready by January, 25, 2020.
The programme will be available in March.
No workshop proceedings will be published.
*Please note that speakers are not allowed to submit the same application for the main conference and for the Workshop.
If a participant of the Workshop plans to take part in the activities of the main programme of the April Conference as a listener, he/she must pay the registration fee of the April Conference.
Keynote lecture by Volker Nocke (University of Mannheim), "Gravity in Oligopoly".
We evaluate the consequences of oligopolistic behavior for the estimation of gravity equations. With oligopolistic competition, firm-level gravity equations based on a standard CES demand framework need to be augmented by markup terms that are functions of firms' market shares. At the aggregate level, the additional term takes the form of the exporting country's market share in the destination country multiplied by an exporter-destination-specific Herfindahl-Hirschman index. For both cases, we show how to construct appropriate correction terms that can be used to avoid problems of omitted variable bias. We illustrate the quantitative importance of our results for combined French and Chinese firm-level export data as well as for a sample of sector-level imports by European countries. Our results show that in settings where exporters have significant market shares, correcting for oligopoly bias can lead to substantial changes in the coefficients on standard gravity regressors such as distance or the impact of currency unions.